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10 Doctor Strange's Most Powerful Enemies

Written by Suci Maharani R

Every superhero must contend with formidable foes, and Doctor Stephen Strange is no exception.

Unlike the enemies of other Marvel superheroes, Doctor Strange's adversaries are remarkably diverse. Drawing from the comics, his enemies include not just fellow sorcerers but also Dracula and various mystical beings.

Some of Doctor Strange's nemeses have been portrayed in films, such as Kaecilius in the first Doctor Strange movie (2016). Another notable adversary is the Scarlet Witch, who, despite being his ally in the Avengers, has also opposed him.

In addition to these two, several other notable enemies have challenged Doctor Strange. These include Baron Mordo, Nightmare, and the fan-favorite Dormammu.

These names might be unfamiliar to some. That's why Showpoiler provides insights into Doctor Strange's strongest enemies. To stay informed, read on for more details.

1. Baron Mordo

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Baron Mordo is Doctor Strange's ultimate foe. Their story is compelling, as Mordo was once Strange's mentor.

He was a member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts and assisted Strange in defeating Kaecilius and the Zealots. His disillusionment upon discovering the Ancient One's use of power from the Dark Dimension led him to view sorcerers as a threat to the world.

Mordo decided to restore balance by stripping sorcerers of their powers. He was highly skilled in the mystic arts, which is why he possessed immense magical abilities.

When Strange discovered that Mordo intended to kill the Ancient One to take her place, their rivalry began. Mordo's ambition was to become the Sorcerer Supreme in Strange's stead.

2. Dormammu

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Dormammu is another major enemy of Doctor Strange. He is one of the most powerful demonic beings in the Marvel universe.

Dormammu has incredible strength, which allows him to control the Dark Dimension. He can fight using both his hands and his magic wand. It's no surprise that Doctor Strange struggles against him.

Dormammu has ambitions of destruction and cruelty. He wants to expand his dark dimension and conquer the entire multiverse.

In the beginning, Dormammu enjoyed keeping Strange on the brink of death. However, he was eventually trapped in the time loop created by Strange. Despite his cruelty, Dormammu has a strong sense of honor and keeps his promises to Strange.

3. Satana Hellstrom

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Satana Hellstrom, also known as Satan, is a magical being born with supernatural abilities. As a half-human, half-succubus, she was destined to be a villain from birth.

Satana lived in hell with her father until she was banished to Earth by a succubus. On Earth, Satana began to consume human souls using her magic. These souls became the source of her power.

How did Satana and Doctor Strange become enemies? It started when Basilisk approached her. Through him, she learned that Doctor Strange was using Shartra's Book of the Damned, which had cursed him to become a werewolf.

Knowing how important Strange was, Satana helped him break free from the curse. However, she soon chose to return to the dark side.

4. Nightmare

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As his name suggests, Nightmare is the ruler of the subconscious, also known as the Fear Lord. He governs the dream dimension and gains energy by drawing power from human dreams.

Sometimes, Nightmare tries to mislead humans in their dreams, forcing them to either find a way out or join him. Doctor Strange is Nightmare's greatest enemy, though he has also faced other Marvel superheroes.

Their conflict began when Nightmare entered the dream of a corrupt official. He feared that Doctor Strange would discover his weakness, so he tried to kill Strange by fighting him in the dream dimension.

5. Mephisto

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Mephisto and Doctor Strange have a long history of conflict. According to the comics, they have encountered each other 12 times over the years. Mephisto is depicted as the classic demon ruling Hell.

Their rivalry began when Strange rejected James Mandarin, who was eager to become his student. Upset by the rejection, Mephisto, in his demonic form, offered a partnership with Mandarin.

Instead, Mephisto possessed Mandarin's body, using him as a weapon to kill Strange. Fortunately, Mephisto's attempt failed. He returned to Hell, and Strange decided to erase all of Mandarin's memories.

6. Umar

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Umar, the twin sister of Dormammu, is just as troublesome as her brother. An evil sorceress from the Faltine dimension, Umar possesses immense magical abilities and a cruel nature.

Unlike Dormammu, who lacks a physical form, Umar retains her physical body as a woman, which is her greatest vulnerability.

Initially, Umar assisted her brother in seeking revenge against Strange. However, Umar is married and has a daughter named Clea, who is allied with Doctor Strange. To protect her daughter, Umar chose to help Strange break free from her brother's influence.

7. Doctor Doom

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Doctor Doom is one of Doctor Strange's most formidable adversaries. Before becoming enemies, Doctor Doom and Strange collaborated to free Doom's mother from Mephisto.

Doctor Doom has many followers and possesses the ability to control both magic and mysticism, but his life is filled with sorrow. This conflict of interests leads to their frequent clashes.

The power struggle between them results in extraordinary battles, making Doctor Doom one of Strange's greatest foes. Moreover, Doctor Doom will resort to any means necessary to achieve his goals.

8. Dweller-in-Darkness

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Dweller-in-Darkness is among the strongest enemies Doctor Strange faces in the comics. At 10,000 years old, he originates from an ancient universe.

This malevolent being first caused trouble in Ancient Atlantis until Agamotto trapped him in a dimension where the inhabitants do not move.

However, Dweller-in-Darkness grew increasingly powerful and eventually escaped the dimension. To bolster his strength, he created an army called D'Spayre. His interest in Doctor Strange arose when he realized the sorcerer had no fear.

9. Imperator

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Imperator is the leader of the magic-destroying Empirikul, a group that nearly annihilated Doctor Strange. How did this happen? Living in a dimension called Shuma-Gorath and revered as a god, Imperator is dedicated to science and vehemently opposes magic.

To Imperator, magic is a dangerous cancer that threatens the universe and must be eradicated. Therefore, he hunts down witches across various dimensions, killing them mercilessly.

When he invades Doctor Strange's dimension, Imperator attacks some of Earth's most powerful magical landmarks. Even though he has drained all the magic on Earth, Doctor Strange still finds himself powerless against Imperator's might.

10. Vlad Dracula

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The final enemy we must mention is Vlad Dracula. Known as Count Dracula, he is a sorcerer and nobleman who rules the Vampire Nation. Despite his age, the new Vampire Nation brings him into conflict with the Avengers.

In Doctor Strange #59-62, vampirism begins to overtake the world. To combat this threat, Doctor Strange teams up with Blade the Vampire Hunter to end the terror.

To defeat Dracula, Doctor Strange must confront the Darkhold once more. Within the book, there is a spell called the Montesi Formula that can kill all vampires on Earth. To save himself, Dracula employs various strategies to defeat Strange and Blade.

These are some of Doctor Strange's strongest enemies, and many Marvel fans may not be familiar with them.

Beyond the ten enemies described here, Doctor Strange faces many other formidable foes in the comics. However, some of these adversaries are speculated to appear in future films, potentially bringing new excitement and challenges to the big screen.

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