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16 Members of Marvel's Secret Illuminati Organization

Written by Suci Maharani R

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness brought an exciting surprise to Marvel Cinematic Universe enthusiasts. The revelation of several key figures from a clandestine group known as the Illuminati left audiences astonished.

These revealed Illuminati members are no strangers to Marvel comic enthusiasts. Comprising the most powerful and astute superheroes, the Illuminati operates in secrecy, tasked with exchanging critical information and safeguarding Earth. Its operations are so confidential that other superheroes are kept in the dark about its activities.

The composition and membership of the Illuminati vary across different Earths. This organization includes some of Earth's mightiest heroes that spark curiosity about its workings and members.

For those unfamiliar with the Illuminati, Showpoiler will explore the origins and identities of its members. Detailed information follows.

In "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," audiences got a glimpse of several Illuminati members. These include Mr. Fantastic, Black Bolt, Professor X, Maria Rambeau's Captain Marvel, Karl Mordo, and Captain Carter.

However, these are not the founding members of the Illuminati initially established by Tony Stark and King T'Challa of Wakanda. So, who makes up the current Illuminati? Now, let's split the discussion into two parts: the original founders and the team with additional members.

Original Illuminati Team

1. Mr. Fantastic

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Leading the Fantastic Four, Mr. Fantastic, also known as Dr. Reed Richards, is celebrated for his immense intellect and his ability to stretch his body. Recognized as one of the most intelligent heroes in the Marvel Universe, Reed Richards played a pivotal role in the inception of the secretive Illuminati.

2. Doctor Strange

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Initially, Doctor Strange was opposed to the idea of forming the Illuminati. He believed that such an anti-establishment superhero organization could be perilous.

Strange feared that increasing the number of leaders would complicate decision-making processes, potentially leading to conflicts among the members.

3. Namor

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Namor, the ruler of the oceans and the antagonist in "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever," has piqued the curiosity of many. It's surprising to discover that the first mutant and one of the earliest characters in the MCU was also a founder of the Illuminati organization. Unfortunately, Namor eventually left the group due to persistent disagreements with other members.

4. Black Bolt

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Blackagar Boltagon, better known as Black Bolt, is a seasoned Inhuman character in the MCU. His voice is so potent that even a whisper can demolish an entire city. Black Bolt was one of the respected founders of the Illuminati and represented the Inhuman colony residing on the moon.

5. Iron Man

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Tony Stark, better known as Iron Man, originally proposed the idea of forming the Illuminati. Representing the Avengers, Stark convened a secret meeting with other notable superheroes. Despite some initial disagreements, he successfully established the Illuminati as a powerful secret organization dedicated to protecting Earth.

6. Professor X

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Professor X, the leader of the mutant nation, was initially opposed to the idea of creating a secret Illuminati organization, much like Doctor Strange.

He believed that the Avengers and mutants could not effectively collaborate. Concerned about the potential for heroes to be ostracized by humanity—a sentiment mutants have long experienced—Professor X was hesitant to align too closely with other superhero factions.

7. Captain Carter

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Captain Carter emerged as another founding member of the Illuminati, captivating fans in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness."

Living on Earth-838, Captain Carter possesses the same abilities as Captain America, having been empowered by the Super Soldier Serum. Her dynamic appearance in the film significantly captured the audience's attention.

8. Captain Marvel

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In a similar vein, Maria Rambeau's portrayal of Captain Marvel in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" brought another Illuminati founder to the forefront. On Earth-838, Maria Rambeau, who is Carol Danvers' closest ally, assumes the mantle of Captain Marvel. Known for her somewhat imperious demeanor, she is an influential member of the Illuminati.

Many might wonder why King T'Challa, or Black Panther, isn't listed among the original members of the Illuminati. It's because T'Challa was initially opposed to the idea of a clandestine superhero coalition. However, his absence from the founding group doesn't imply disloyalty; rather, he joined the Illuminati organization later, alongside iconic figures like Captain America and Hulk.

Additional Illuminati Members

1. Captain America

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Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America, is the leader of the Avengers Unity Squad. His tenure as a member of the Illuminati was notably brief, as he disagreed with their methods of operating outside the law and infringing on human rights.

His dissent led to his expulsion and the erasure of his memories of the Illuminati.

2. Black Panther

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King T'Challa of Wakanda initially declined to join the Illuminati. However, following a crisis involving colliding universes, he reassembled the Illuminati members and became part of the group, realizing that the Illuminati played a crucial role in protecting Earth's future.

3. Hulk

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The Hulk's experience with the Illuminati was similar to that of Captain America. Initially viewed as a threat by the Illuminati, Hulk was exiled to outer space, which fueled his desire for revenge. Hulk stands as one of the most formidable 'friend and foe' to the Illuminati.

4. Beast

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Beast, another mutant, joined the secret Illuminati organization, stepping in for Professor X who left him the Gem of Immortality. Beast is well-known to X-Men fans as he frequently plays a central role in various X-Men films.

5. Medusa

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Medusa joined the Illuminati after her husband, Black Bolt, was killed. As the queen of the Inhumans, she is recognized as a heroine with hair stronger than steel.

6. Captain Britain

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After acknowledging their past errors, the Illuminati members chose to act independently. Eight months later, they reconvened, adding new members including Captain Britain, a character known in the comics for once being a king across the entire multiverse, endowed with significant power.

7. Mastermind Excello

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Mastermind Excello, known for his intelligence, ranks among the top ten smartest people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is one of the enigmatic new members of the Illuminati on Earth-616.

8. Yellowjacket

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The final new member of the Illuminati is Yellowjacket, who is contemporaneous with Captain Britain and Amadeus Cho on Earth-616. Together, they strive to navigate and resolve the myriad challenges they face.

With 16 members, it is no surprise that the Illuminati is one of the most potent secret organizations in the MCU. The superheroes involved are not only powerful but also highly intelligent and morally upstanding, making the Illuminati a cornerstone for Earth's future, as they are pivotal in shaping the destiny of civilization.

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