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7 of Thor's Strongest Enemies in Movies and Comics

Written by Suci Maharani R

The Marvel Cinematic Universe features many great superheroes, and among them is Thor, a hero endowed with powers from birth. The God of Thunder is said to have protected Earth for millennia. He descended from Asgard to join the Avengers, becoming one of the group's most formidable members.

As a key figure, Thor has always been the backbone of the Avengers, battling numerous powerful foes. He has encountered a wide array of powerful enemies.

From his battles against Ultron to his heroic attempts to thwart Thanos, Thor has faced significant challenges. He has even clashed with his own brother Loki and Hela, the Goddess of Death from Asgard.

Beyond these notable adversaries, Thor has faced other powerful enemies that are less well-known. Some of these foes have not yet appeared in Marvel movies. Curious to learn more about them? Let’s see the details below!

1. Thanos


Thanos is arguably the strongest and most memorable enemy for Thor fans. A member of the Eternal race with Deviant genes, Thanos was born on the planet Titan. Known for his intelligence since childhood, his decision to eliminate half the population made him a feared adversary.

After Titan's destruction, Thanos wandered the cosmos, committing genocide on other planets. Though their encounters began long ago, Thor and Thanos only truly confronted each other on the Statesman Ship.

During this time, Thanos annihilated the remaining Asgardians, following the devastation caused by Hela and Surtur. This left Thor deeply traumatized, having lost his family and loved ones.

2. Loki


One of Thor's most challenging enemies is his own brother, Loki. Although they are only half-brothers, their different personalities and attitudes have often led to conflict.

Loki frequently caused trouble, such as bringing alien troops to Earth and ordering the Destroyer to attack Thor. His behavior stemmed from the different treatment he received from their father, Odin.

Loki's initially calm demeanor transformed into that of an ambitious god striving for power. Despite this, deep down, Loki never truly hated Thor; it was the circumstances and timing that forced them to clash.

3. Hela


Unlike Loki, Hela's demeanor is far more malevolent. Although Loki is an adopted son, Hela is Odin's biological daughter and firstborn.

Known as the Goddess of Death from Asgard, Hela initially helped her father in conquering the Nine Realms. However, her insatiable thirst for power led Odin to banish her to Hel.

Upon Odin's death, Hela escaped with the intention of ruling Asgard, only to confront her two adult brothers. Hela proved to be one of Thor's strongest enemies, especially since she effortlessly destroyed Mjolnir. To defeat her, Thor had to release Surtur, triggering Ragnarok and ultimately destroying Hela along with Asgard.

4. Gorr The God Butcher

Gorr The God Butcher

Gorr the God Butcher's story is both compelling and tragic, evoking sympathy from the audience. Initially, Gorr lived on a harsh planet where the inhabitants devoutly believed in gods.

However, a series of tragedies, including the death of his entire family and friends and the exile of his community, turned Gorr against the gods.

In Thor: Love and Thunder (2022), Gorr mercilessly torments the gods that led them to plead for mercy and a swift death. Thor's battle with Gorr is intense and challenging, requiring him to harness various forms of lightning alongside Jane Foster to counter Gorr's strength.

5. Zeus


A clash between two Gods of Thunder, Thor and Zeus, is highly anticipated. According to mythology, Zeus rules as the God of Thunder from the opulent land of Olympus. In terms of strength, Zeus is indeed more powerful than Thor.

Thus, Thor sought Zeus's assistance to combat the dreaded Gorr. Unfortunately, Thor's arrival in Olympus was met with hostility, as Zeus refused to help. This refusal exacerbated the tension between the Norse and Greek gods.

Despite the comedic undertone, Thor found himself struggling against Zeus. In the MCU, Zeus is closely associated with a golden lightning weapon that amplifies his power.

6. Ultron


Ultron is undoubtedly one of the strongest enemies Thor has faced. Created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, Ultron is an AI powered by the Mind Stone, originally intended to keep the peace. However, Ultron's own interpretation of peace led him down a destructive path.

During the battle in Sokovia, many lives were lost as the Avengers fought Ultron. Unfortunately, Ultron is often overlooked by MCU fans. Although Thor's fight with Ultron was brief, it was intense and memorable. Thor struggled against Ultron until Vision arrived just in time to help.

7. Malekith


Another formidable foe defeated by Thor is Malekith, also known as "The Cursed." In the Marvel universe, Malekith is one of Thor's arch-enemies and a member of the dark elf race.

Malekith can manipulate magical powers, including teleportation, energy projection, and physical flexibility. Leading his people against the Asgardians, Malekith intended to use the Reality Stone (Aether) to destroy the universe.

Loki's betrayal allowed Malekith to capture Jane Foster and extract the Aether from her body. Thor had to fight hard against the cunning Malekith to prevent the universe's destruction.

Thor's Comic Enemies

Masih Ada Musuh Thor yang Belum Ditampilkan Marvel

Besides the seven powerful enemies mentioned, there are five more characters with the potential to defeat Thor. These characters are Ulik, Radioactive Man, Ares, Wrecker & The Wrecking Crew, and Amora the Enchantress. Ares and Amora, in particular, are expected to shake up the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Ares, the God of War from Greek mythology, is considered one of Thor's strongest rivals. His complex character and backstory make him a fascinating antagonist.

Meanwhile, Amora the Enchantress, another female villain in the Thor universe, shares a close relationship with Hela. Amora, who is cunning like Loki, is Skurge's lover, Hela's loyal executioner.

Thor's story promises to become even more intriguing with these additional villains. In the comics, Thor has faced over 20 enemies, but the ones mentioned are the most notable. If these characters are brought into the movies, Thor's adventures will undoubtedly become even more thrilling.

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