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Sri Sulistiyani

Sri Sulistiyani, who lived and completed her education in Bandung, has had a passion for writing since childhood. However, her writing career only began in earnest around 2018, when she became a freelance writer for various blogs and participated in several writing competitions.

After pursuing a career in television, she transitioned to a professional career as a copywriter and content writer for various digital media outlets in 2019, producing content on a wide range of topics.

Sri and Movie

Having studied TV & film, Sri's interest in the medium has grown—not only in film production but also in appreciating and reviewing films. After joining Bacaterus.com as a freelance writer in 2020, she began focusing on writing about films for the platform.

In addition to writing, Sri has hobbies related to the world of film. As a film student alumnus, she is intrigued by all aspects of film production, whether participating as a crew member or enjoying films as a spectator.

Another of her hobbies is reading, particularly fiction books and literary novels, as a means to further develop her writing skills. After joining Bacaterus, her passion for film translated into her role as a film review writer.

Favorite Movies

As a film enthusiast, Sri Sulistiyani has many favorite films spanning a variety of genres. Her preferences lean toward thrillers with a touch of science fiction. Some of her favorite films include works by Christopher Nolan (Memento, Inception, The Prestige, Interstellar) and David Fincher (Gone Girl, The Game, Seven, Fight Club), as well as other films such as The Sixth Sense, Shutter Island, Black Swan, A Simple Favor, and the series Black Mirror.

Sri also enjoys several Indonesian films that she believes possess exceptional quality, rivaling international productions. Some of these films include 27 Steps of May, Marlina (Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak), Ziarah, The Science of Fiction, and Penyalin Cahaya. For Sri, watching and appreciating domestic films is one way to support the Indonesian film industry.


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